

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Final babymoon

Last week, we went for another babymoon! hehe....well, actually it was an unplanned business trip for hubby but i tag along. And manage to have a great getaway in Ipoh for 3days.
Was glad i went because i really enjoyed the trip. Relaxing......great food....great company...decent hotel(can't beat KL ones but good enough). sigh....i totally miss it!
I guess that would be my last trip anywhere this year! Until baby pops.
Can't imagine how my next holiday would be bottles and diapers dominating my luggage i suppose....shrugs....


beetrice said...

aww..when's the big day? enjoy the time out while you can though! :)

Anonymous said...

My 1st raya with 2 mths old baby, I was basically packing as if am going to move to a new house!!! Horror!!

Welcome to Mummy world!

Anonymous said...

my neighbour just got a new born baby boy. very very cute.

Anonymous said...

hihi.. come across your blog and is glad to find that you went for your babymoon. =)
I'm writing a book about "babymoon travelling" and is great if you could share some of your ideas and suggestions to make my book more informative.
Here's my website and thanks in advance! =)

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Unknown said...

hihi.. come across your blog and is glad to find that you went for your babymoon. =)
I'm writing a book about "babymoon travelling" and is great if you could share some of your ideas and suggestions to make my book more informative.
Here's my website and thanks in advance! =)

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