The hubby brought me to the Pavillion yesterday for dinner.
This is my first time there! can you believe it? A shoppaholic me, never been to Pavillion before??!!
I must say that the place is pretty up class. Alot like KLCC.
I wouldn't go shopping there if it wasn't a sales season.
We didn't have much time so after dinner, we spent some time at Tangs.
I happily tried on some really lovely dresses that was going on 70%!! It wasn't exactly Maternity dresses but it sure suits me. teeheee....frankly i'd rather buy normal clothes at bigger sizes than buying boring Maternity wear that is ridiculously priced.
In the end he bought me 4 dresses. All at 70% !! We felt so satisfied. I mean, most of the dresses cost RM269-RM289 and the total would set me back about RM1000!! But we only paid a little close to RM300. Which is great! cos i get to apply for Tangs card for free.
Too bad by the time we left Tangs it was already near 10pm. and most shops were closing.
I would have love to look for Charles and Keith. They just open at Pavillion recently.
was that Jo me? haha
congrats! :)
yeah i think buying larger dresses is a good idea, those maternity wear is a rip off! can even wear those bell-bottom blouse hehe
So good of ur hubby,...first class tu! r right. baik beli baju besar than beli baju preggie.hope you're well..ingat, pregnant pun kena fashionable ok? sure you look adorable, not FAT and ugly but blooming and gorgeous!take care.
jo: yes refering to u on!! everyone else tot i was pmsing...keke
prettybeautiful: ya! its a great time to be pregnant cos the trend these days are SOOOOOO maternity! but id probably need to buy them maternity pants later on. They're the only thing i feel is worth to buy.
royal: OKla...first time ma..sure the hubby show more love...haha...i told him i wanna be the most beautiful preggo mummy!! ahaks...
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