

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The one about the in laws

ugghhh....sometimes i get so frustrated with the in laws....sigh.....
i have them staying with choice lo...Lets just say that they are VERY dependent on the hubby lo. And when you love someone, you gotta love the package that comes with it.

Sometimes i get very frustrated over the things that they they like to come into our room when we r not around to help us "clean up" really get on my nerves!!! Though every time i noticed something "different" with the room, i tend to just bite my tongue lo what to do.....
But these days...especially today when I was looking for something that I remembered exactly where I put them...but i couldn't find temperature really shot up to a boil although I still kept my cool and ask them politely where are my stuffs.....sigh......

Ya, though the in laws can be very nice people....and they do things out of good will and no bad intentions......but sometimes i just cant seem to be able to adapt. I mean, my mother never touched my stuffs ever since i'm old enough(teenage) and to get used to the way my in laws like to pick-up after us.......sigh......its irritating....
and no, locking the door doesn't help. They have keys to the whole house dei.....


Poh Nee said...

I could not understand this too and was once very irritated...about in-laws invasion...until I have my own child, now I am beginning to see it...sometimes, I hope there are someone to pick up after me...
instead of the one picking up after everyone else :)

Anonymous said...

Oops...btw, this is my blog..
I enjoy reading all ur beauty tips...reminds me of my singlehood...hehehe

Anonymous said...

In my case, it was my own mother!! Sometimes, I found ladies in this house actually wearing those tudungs that I wear to special occasions only. Boleh??

Anonymous said...

ponytail: i do appreciate them around....i just need to get used to the way they do things :) singlehood?! aiya not single also still can indulge in beauty wat

z@m: hey women..own mother is easier pe...u can still show your tantrum and get away with it!! but not with in laws

Anonymous said...

A Blessed Sunday to you, FA.

Can you pls email me your postal addy? The one I had was your old work addy.
Got a little something for you. ;)

Wuching said...

hehehe..very common lah, just tell them to piss off politely lor!

mystic said...

Woman, its like tat one lah.My mum is also like tat. That's why I hardly ever go home.