Hi you wonderful people!!!
I feel great this first day of 2007.
Manage to catch a glimps of the fireworks lastnight. It was just behind my backyard so I dont have to go anywhere but stay home and waited for the fireworks display. 2 of them was going on simultaneously. There is the one from TheCurve who started blasting off first even before the clock strikes 12...........and then followed by the one at 1Utama. I must say I like the one from TheCurve more. It was prettier and it lasted longer too.
Although 2007 is just a day away from 2006, I feel good. I wanted to get rid of 2006 for the longest time ever....it wasnt pleasant. 2007 to me is full of hope and I desire to make it happen. I've never been so excited over a new year this way before. Oh welp.....another step closer to the BIG 30. gulp......hopefully I'd be alot wiser too.
Before I go off, here's my tunic new dresses I bought from Ikano.
Apart from that, I stopped over at Giordano warehouse sale yesterday. It was the last day. Me n hubby bought these loot. Set me back by about RM311. Teehee.....It was worth it because I bought like 5 pants!! for the price of 1. Seriously, the pants were retailing for about RM119 and it was selling at RM29 only!! To think that I almost bought a pants from U2 at RM169. Here I bought 5 for RM150!!!!! I was very satisfied with my loot. Very. Even hubby bought 3 pair or pants and quite a number of t-shirts that was going for RM10 per piece.

I feel great this first day of 2007.
Manage to catch a glimps of the fireworks lastnight. It was just behind my backyard so I dont have to go anywhere but stay home and waited for the fireworks display. 2 of them was going on simultaneously. There is the one from TheCurve who started blasting off first even before the clock strikes 12...........and then followed by the one at 1Utama. I must say I like the one from TheCurve more. It was prettier and it lasted longer too.
Although 2007 is just a day away from 2006, I feel good. I wanted to get rid of 2006 for the longest time ever....it wasnt pleasant. 2007 to me is full of hope and I desire to make it happen. I've never been so excited over a new year this way before. Oh welp.....another step closer to the BIG 30. gulp......hopefully I'd be alot wiser too.
Before I go off, here's my tunic new dresses I bought from Ikano.
Apart from that, I stopped over at Giordano warehouse sale yesterday. It was the last day. Me n hubby bought these loot. Set me back by about RM311. Teehee.....It was worth it because I bought like 5 pants!! for the price of 1. Seriously, the pants were retailing for about RM119 and it was selling at RM29 only!! To think that I almost bought a pants from U2 at RM169. Here I bought 5 for RM150!!!!! I was very satisfied with my loot. Very. Even hubby bought 3 pair or pants and quite a number of t-shirts that was going for RM10 per piece.

Aiyo! Why didn't tell me?
hi :) i saw the fireworks also yesterday... i was closer to the one in OU, so it looked nice 2 me ehehe
weee more tunic dresses... i bought a few new ones too :) if too long i normally send them for alteration, coz i like to wear them with jeans, but not nice if too long coz i'm s.h.o.r.t :)
Happy New Year! :) I was at the Curve last night - their fireworks was amazing! I love Giordano's warehouse sales - always make sure to hit it so I can replenish my casual wardrobe. All the best to you this coming 2007 and I hope you meet all your resolutions ;)
WOW! More clothes? Enough space in your wardrobe or not? hehe
Btw, I like the green dress.
For me, I had one too many drinks at dinner & went to bed early. Heard the fireworks at midnite & could have watched it from my window.. but I couldn't be bothered.. hehe
Then I woke up again at 2.30 a.m. & couldn't sleep. Went online & found a good friend on MSN & we chatted till about 3.30 a.m. Crazy but good fun.. hehe
Wow, what a haul?
BTW Happy New Year ;)
MJ: aiyoo...sorry la...i also found out last minute wan.....next time try to go to theirs...quite genuine..
naddy: you got ALOTTTTT of tunic dresses laa!! try wearing them with skinny leggings instead of jeans for the retro look...like the fifties...
PB: i dont really fancy giordanos alot but i like the warehouse sale...the jeans are really worth the penny. btw, i cant seem to be able to comment on your site again...
jemima: can never be enough clothes for a fashionista!! glad u enjoyed your new year!!
clair: yup...its been a fun yr end shopping id say... :> Happy New year to u too!
hehehehe i dun think leggings will suit me :) i just found some of my old pants from my NZ days... i think it look nice with the tunic dresses coz it's kinda stretchy but not as tight as leggings :)
reaLLy Love the dReSses... iKaNo dO seLL beTTer oNes, thaN sg.wanG... i reaLLy Like thE Long sLeEved oNe... wEariNG theMwiF tiGhts iS a beTter oPtiOn.
Hihi...*hugz* Happy new Year...i know am a bit late sicne we're almost at the end of the 1st mth but better than never right? Havent been reading your blog as I've been swarmed with lots of things tat's been happening in my soooo interesting life...read my blog to find out...anyways, may you have a wonderful 2007 where all your resolutions come true...:)
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