haha.......no no....jungle book and arabian nights have nothing to do with anything.....they're just names that came up on top of my mind when I finished these 2 piece of work and thus it became their theme.......mostly due to the colors. Will upload them in my Bjewl blog too. Someone actually noticed that I havent been posting my jewelry pieces for months. ;)
Tell me how do you like them?

FA, you're so creative!
They're VERY NICE. I like them both. :)
Btw, did it take you long to make them?
*winks at Jemima*
this post is dedicated to you lah! if u tell me your favourite color, id make u a christmas present. :)
gosh! you are talented! make and sell la - side income :)
gosh, they look so pro!
i prefer the last one ;) mmmm..an idea for the "pendant" (centre piece in the middle), why not use those shy shell-like piece.
u make 1 for me?
Very nice, FA, now you make me want to start beading again *drool*. My girls have taken over, making for their friends.
The first set is very nice.
The second set, I prefer the earrings to the necklace.
paris: gee thanks....nola...i like to make them but i hardly wear them!!! hehe...I just like making them! n sometimes I give them away as presents..
kris: thanks luv! the centre piece is like a disco-ball made of the similar swarovsky crystals in gold-black. It was a trial error piece where i started off with the centre-piece and started making something out of that.
wuching: suree......wats ur favourite color?
clair: thanks....i luv your gorgeous pieces too. ;)
liljoy: i love the yellow silinder bead of the earrings too!!! was figuring out what to do with them and the color just somehow matches with the necklace... :)
jemima: forgot to answer ur question justnow....howlong did i take to make them?? i dunno....really!!! If i really make them at 1 go id say about an hour per set. However, it took me longer than that cos i was doing parts and never finished it untill i had time during the raya break to finally finish it.
FA, you're so very kind.
I'm so very touched.
Yippie! My very first X'mas pressie for 2006.
*blushes like a beet-root from head to toe*
Both my formal & casual wardrobe is like a rainbow.
My office wear are mainly darker colours.
Whatever color beads you choose for me, I'm sure I've no problem in finding an outfit to match. :D
Thanks very much also for the info re the time process. ;)
Thanks again & HUGE HUGS just for you. :D
Take care & have a great weekend! :D
I like the first set more, but both sets are very nice. :)
I like your use of colors here, you could wear them with a white or blue blouse to play up the color contrast.
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