That was basically my critirea when I made this.
I was bored of my usual pearls hubby bought for me frm India. Although I love them, they are a bit of a bore to me already and also, I find that those pearls matches best with my cheongsam and non other than that.
Thus, I made this sometime last year when I had a wedding dinner to attend. I had already a couple of earrings using the same crystal combinations that I can match with thus, I only need to make the necklace. I was wearing a black and white low-cut halter top and it was perfect for sparkly crystals. I was pretty happy about the outcome. I used chains for the ends so that I can adjust the length whenever I want to, which is great as I can even wear them as a choker when the dress calls for it. Its still my favourite and I would wear them on special occasions.

Cheerios!! I'm going to bed. yawwwn.....
very cantik, very glehmerrrr.....
Yeah I love those all-occasion thingeys, saves the stress of having to decide which goes with what. But then, right now, I'm having a blast with all different colors of pearls LOL and I'm lovin' it. How ah?
i think pearls will go nicely with formal wear as well :) be with pair with slacks or skirts
or dresses LOL
too much of Sex & the City >_<
i <33 the necklace!!! =) i just want to ask, did you know any place sell clothes that are fashionable yet it`s plus size? i`m not that big but i just can`t fit in small size clothes & i think i`m ready for a change because all this while, all i wore is t-shirt & it`s getting boring. i need some spicing up! lol. i know there`s a place in one utama because i read it in a mag but since i`m not from kl, can you recommend a few places? i`m going to kl around disember..so yeah. thanks soooooo muchhhhh!!
oh & shoes too..i`m kinda a size 9 1/2 - 10 girl & i neeeeed girly shoes. i mean i got one but JUST one...thanksssss.
nyonya: thankeww bery much... :>
clair: just go with the flow..dats all im saying....bead whatever inspiration brings u n let them creative juices flow....colored pearls...ooooo..
eldie: no spam pls
sharon: it does look elegant....but i just got bored of it
anonymous: comming to to KL december?!! yey! you would be trilled because there will be sales n sales n more sales!! where r u frm? erm...I'm not very familiar with plus sizes clothes ....but...1Utama is a good place to go. Mrs.Reads is the most famous place for plus size and chic clothings. You can also go to this shop called FYI...ermm...but i dont know exactly which floor. Send me an email if you really want to know the location.
Also, Jusco have a wide selection of clothes, Agenda is a label that caters for the plus sizes and they have nice and affordable range of working wears.. er...as about shoes....hmmmmmm....i really dont know if size9-10 is common. But just stroll along 1U and you'd find some gems. Jusco itself has quite a selection. Else, you can go to Voir, Nose, Blay(i love blay),Vincci is pretty popular although I havent bought a pair of vincci since couple of yrs now...(too common n doesnt lasts)....Hope this helps...if u need more info just lemme know.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, or too simplistic, or just out of touch; I still find a silk 'choker' around a girl's neck very attractive.
True about how Vincci shoes don't last. They look nice but their heels are horrible, as in the quality!
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