Pumps are normally not my kinda thing...what more velvet pumps.....
but a gal's gotta have everything there is to have to be satisfied...haha.. Just kidding......
I don't know what was it but this pair of pumps was just screamingggggggg at me and so I asked the sales girl to take my size. Slip them on.. and....wow.....gorgeous....immediately bought them although the price was steep. RM69.90 and only 10% discount. It was black with silver linings!!! My favourite combination. I just have to have it. From the angle of the picture it kinda looks like its about an inch tall but its actually 3 inch high. Think Va-va-voom emkayyy.
Oh ya, the second pic is my illustration of a fashion faux pax. The "Price Tag". You see....many a times when I was admiring a women's sandals and it totally put me off when i caught sight of her "price tag" unremoved. I mean. ewwwwww ......Cannot tahan. Its like wearing your new baju with the price tag still on. So memalufyingkan right? Well.....its the same concept. Don't be lazy lah....just remove the tag......it looks as if you accidentally walked over sticky gum.
but a gal's gotta have everything there is to have to be satisfied...haha.. Just kidding......
I don't know what was it but this pair of pumps was just screamingggggggg at me and so I asked the sales girl to take my size. Slip them on.. and....wow.....gorgeous....immediately bought them although the price was steep. RM69.90 and only 10% discount. It was black with silver linings!!! My favourite combination. I just have to have it. From the angle of the picture it kinda looks like its about an inch tall but its actually 3 inch high. Think Va-va-voom emkayyy.
Oh ya, the second pic is my illustration of a fashion faux pax. The "Price Tag". You see....many a times when I was admiring a women's sandals and it totally put me off when i caught sight of her "price tag" unremoved. I mean. ewwwwww ......Cannot tahan. Its like wearing your new baju with the price tag still on. So memalufyingkan right? Well.....its the same concept. Don't be lazy lah....just remove the tag......it looks as if you accidentally walked over sticky gum.

Agree with you on removing price tags on shoes.... how could you not remove them??!! Anyways do they have it in other colours? Nice..
OMG! This pair is screaming at me too!!! where did you buy it? THe brand I have seen before but I can't recall where... Pray tell.. pretty.. pleeeasseee
anonymous: yup...can't stand tags!! hehe...oooo...but they have.....another lovely color....brown with gold linings!! *squeeelss*!!! hehehe....i would buy both but...self control
lil'joy: heheeeeee....the perfect pumps!!! the pic doesnt do justice to how it looks on my feet!!! bought it from 1utama. Its next to itallianis (if not mistaken)
Ooh really really nice shoes *drools all over Fashion's shoes* oh and hope things smoothen out soon 'kay? :)
1U, very very near my house!! thank u. I may check it out today after work.. (see how desperate!!) hahah.. thanks dear.
Hey very nice, FA, I love pumps. But 3" seems a bit too high for me. Is it comfy?
You know, I was out looking for a nice black heels because I have everything except a basic black. BUT I ended up buying a totally different type of heels. My mission totally failed. BF just geleng his kepala coz whenever I tell him I wanna stay focus and just buy what I need, I end up getting something else. But the shoe was nice ok.......from Primavera. I left the shop and went back again.......hahahahah
Now I have to hide my shoes in the room coz 1) No place in the shoe cupboard 2) My mom will scream
hello u! :) nice pumps...
tuk: isnt it lovely! :> ya i hope things smoothens out soon too..
jo: now we have the same pair of shoes!!! u bought the black or the brown?!
clair: 3 inch baru sexy maa......but its rather comfy id say..
skay: hehe.....dont we all do that!!! we're hopeless...hehe..
nad: love yours too!!! gorgeous the silver one *winks*
haiz, me been bad... lotsa shopping this past weeks ehehehe
i have this weakness for shoes, too. my mom has given up on ever curing me of buying shoes, ehehehehe.
your shoes call to me, too. damn! they're gorgeous! but i have to re-think the 3 inches, laaa... i tower over most guys already... in 2-inch heels.. iskkk...
i have to get taller male acquaintances, lahhh...
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