I actually created another blog last year at Mydailydietdiary.blogspot.com
Twas suppose to be somesort like my food intake journal but...as u can see......it was left abandoned bcos of lack of will power.....hehe...
Anyway.....i'll keep my food intake journal here while i blog.....
Target weight to loose = 5kg
(i'm being realistic here.....my REAL goal is to loose 10kg and go back to my weight when i was 18 lah....but it seems abit far fetch........thus.....lets do this 1 step at a time shall we)
Day 2:
BF- curry puff pastry
Lunch - egg-mayo sandwitch
Tea - preserved guava
Dinner - rice, longbeans, 1 small piece of chicken
plus points= replaced regular coffee with Greentea
plus plus points = went for excercise and sweat out some toxins
Day 3:
BF- 1 dunnowatucallitinenglish a.k.a"ham chim peng"
Lunch- mix rice (no meat, vege and salted eggs and bakebean wiff potatoes)
Tea- another 1 dunnowatucallitinenglish a.k.a"ham chim peng"(bought 2 in the morning)
Dinner- Rice + vege + abalone(bought this from Paddy's market in Sydney)
*(lau sai abit after lunch....dunno why.....but kinda good no?)
You guys tell me if im eating too much ya!
To infinity and beyond!!!!
(errr....i dunno why i said that......shrugs....)
Try www.sparkpeople.com. Though I have to say that I have not been very consistent in updating as well. :-)
Ham chim peng is rather oily, no?
Let me share my detox plan with you, okay?
Morning after waking up: Warm glass of water mixed with juice of half a lemon.
Late Breakfast (after 10am) : Soup noodle with fishballs. If you can stomach hot stuff, take it with chilli padi in soysauce. (Jumpstarts the metabolism!)
Lunch: Another warm glass of lemon juice.
Mid-afternoon/tea: Make a fresh bowl of fruit/leafy salad. Use raw lettuce/salad leaves, add in cubes of favourite fruits like honeydew, watermelon, pomelo, oranges, grate some carrots in, sliced japanese cucumber and some raisins. (No mayonnaise or any other salad sauce/oil!)
Sometimes, I'm too lazy to fix up a salad and just have a bowl of muesli with low fat milk.
Dinner: Rice with your favourite stir-fried vegetables and soup.
I cut out oily or deep-fried foods during this time. But one thing I cannot cut is ... coffee! Black, of course :-)
z@m: Does it help?? im lazy to sign-up la!!
AM: yala...i know its oily...hehehe...looks quite ok wor your diet plan...shall try it too...but currently im not detoxing yet...just eating in moderation..hehe
u dun eat enuff..need to pig out more! jiap pui pui!
how's your diet dear, it's 10 days after already??
wuching: jiak pui pui become like suituapui ah???!! sorait..no thankew..
xiaoxiao: only day 5...but im not doing this express la...i give myself till Dec to loose the 5kg. *fingers crossed*
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