Hmm...there were lotsa ang mor's(refering to the whites) around ferringgi area. And plenty of them where we stayed.Other than angmors there were plenty of arabians, ya those that cover every inch of their body cept for Beaaaauuuutiful eyes.......
we were probably the only asian around when we headed to the pool.
Hubby: "wei the angmor keep on staring at you la"
Me:"oh got meh" (actually i know la i just pretend dunno oni, hubby there what so no flirting with angmor...heh)
Hubby:"yalah.....the eyes follow you everywhere you go"
Me: "ya meh........ang more like asian ma"
Hubby: "i didn't look at his(meaning his wife) oso"
Hubby: "Why are the angmor ladies all THAT size wan har??"
Me: "Because all of them here are senior citizens."
Hubby: "......."
hehe....tuff luck, hubby din getto cuci mata cos 95% of them are senior citizens laa.
Probably thats why i turn heads. Bcos i'm a baby walrus!!! as compared to the many bigmama walruses around!!!
tsk tsk tsk...
U make walruses look good ;)
LOL if a walrus can fit into that sultry looking swim wear, no wonder the ang mohs were watching in awe :)
keep up the good work (and figure)!
you let down us
i see 2-piece..
Where's the baby walrus?
Taken by the Peace Hill folks?
Hey sexy lady.
you put up a storm ya kat feringghi or more like a tsunami in a 2 piece bikini?
heheh...so we were both at the beach but me tak sexy la.hahaha
I assume you stay in the 4 or 5 star hotels so your husband did not get to cuci mata.
Further up, that's where the locals go, especially the bikini-clad ones. Lots of Japanese tourist babes go there too.
It's kinda nice because during the turtle mating season, turtles do actually come up to lay the eggs. Not so much anymore now though.
mmm, striking colors, your swim suit... i like ;o)
wakakaka, the beauty of being blogganonymous is that you can showcase pretty things and hide the ugly. In this case...the babywalrus.
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