TWO fashion I can't wait for the craze to be over.
1. Bubble Skirt

2. Mini Cardi

No doubt these two fashion are the current fashion craze but I really really really don't like them at all. Yes, you MAY look pretty in it but it doesnt work on ALL body types.
Bubble skirts. Only look good on SLIM and LONG legs. Legs that go on forever and ever and prob, you will be able to work it, but pls put on some heels, not nessessary stillettoes but a little heel is good enough.
If you have short and fat limbs, please refrain from wearing bubble skirts. It will only make you ever more short and stumpy. If you have bow legs, pleaseeeeeee try not to wear bubble skirts for it will only make you look like Mary Poppins ready to be flown away by the slightest breeze.
Secondly, the mini cardigans. Well, this is rather tolarable. I bought 1 last year but its actually a 2 piece thingy with the spagetti strap and mini cardi of the same color. The KEY word here is "of the same color". It looks nicer if the 2 piece you're wearing is off the same color, or of the similar tone. You see, a sharp contrasting color like the above pic doesnt work too well for certain body types, especially if you have a longer torso. It WILL make your torso look longer and suprise suprise, your leg shorter!!! Yes really, and if paired with flats will totally totally make you appear disproportionate. But of course, some say it will elongate those with short torso but i really dont know. It just doesnt work for me, when i see short/chubby chics with short torso wearing them, I thought they appeared even shorter, even chubbier and even shorter torso. Well, maybe its just me but i really dont like them and i hope to see it gone....the sooner the better.
pic from google images.
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2nd pic from
1. Bubble Skirt

2. Mini Cardi

No doubt these two fashion are the current fashion craze but I really really really don't like them at all. Yes, you MAY look pretty in it but it doesnt work on ALL body types.
Bubble skirts. Only look good on SLIM and LONG legs. Legs that go on forever and ever and prob, you will be able to work it, but pls put on some heels, not nessessary stillettoes but a little heel is good enough.
If you have short and fat limbs, please refrain from wearing bubble skirts. It will only make you ever more short and stumpy. If you have bow legs, pleaseeeeeee try not to wear bubble skirts for it will only make you look like Mary Poppins ready to be flown away by the slightest breeze.
Secondly, the mini cardigans. Well, this is rather tolarable. I bought 1 last year but its actually a 2 piece thingy with the spagetti strap and mini cardi of the same color. The KEY word here is "of the same color". It looks nicer if the 2 piece you're wearing is off the same color, or of the similar tone. You see, a sharp contrasting color like the above pic doesnt work too well for certain body types, especially if you have a longer torso. It WILL make your torso look longer and suprise suprise, your leg shorter!!! Yes really, and if paired with flats will totally totally make you appear disproportionate. But of course, some say it will elongate those with short torso but i really dont know. It just doesnt work for me, when i see short/chubby chics with short torso wearing them, I thought they appeared even shorter, even chubbier and even shorter torso. Well, maybe its just me but i really dont like them and i hope to see it gone....the sooner the better.
pic from google images.
ist pic from
2nd pic from
yep, totally agree with your assessment ;)
btw, dear, you've just been tagged!
actually... i think the bubble skirt is just *hideous*. you can still work with the mini-cardi, but the bubble skirt... ewww.
just my 2 cents.
i hated Bubble skirts too.
i dun really fancy them at all.
OMG..the mini cardigans or wateva you call them. I see them everywhere and I'm sorry but I hate it very much thank you. Oh..and there's one where they tie it in the middle wan..I tell you, if the culture permits me to, I would just wear it like that without the spaghetti strap inside. You those Brazilian girls.
i rather get those mini jacket than that cardi..... no offence that only suit girls who are flat chested...... and if they have LONG body.... those short and stupy girls doesnt look nice, in fact darn super AH lian ...
yup that bubble skirt make a person look like a JESTER!!!!
What?did i see my name mentioned?HAhaha..nasib baik mine is Royal Jester.
True fashionasia. I don't see anyone looking good in the bubble skirt. Maybe young school going girls ok kot?THe mini cardi is very useful for us tudung wearing people coz we can wear sleeveless inside and put on the mini cardi and voila. EVerything is covered. But you are right about the different colors though. Must wear matching la kan? MAtching is very very important.
Oh God Greatttt!! At last I found another people cant wait for those mini cardigans and those ueegg skirts to be over. Its so awful to see loads of women(with the wrong type of body) proudly wearing either one of those or the combo. EEe...
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