Flip or no flip? Big or Small? Camera or no camera? Black or Blue?
Nokia? Motorola? Samsung? .......gosh.....so many choices i can't decide.
I've been meaning to get my fiance a new cellphone. He's been using my old nokia8250 that got flipped out of my handbag and flew a mile away when i was once a snatch thief victim. Oh ya!! Havent told the story about me being a snatch theif victim before havent i? Its a pretty interesting story.....Lets keep it for next time ok cos its worth a whole entry by itself.
Anyhow,comming back to the cellphone. Fiance's been using the old one for quite sometime now and i think its about time i get him a new one. And hopefully a kick-@ss Stylo-Mylo one at that. Given his position, i figured he needed something up to the standard eventhough he still don't mind using any phone for that matter. I figured that for my birthday, i'm getting a cellphone for my fiance. I think it'll be great! I dont know but i totally get a kick out of giving out presents much more than receiving. Can't help it but i'm such a total giver.
I've been scouting around. Errr....okay havent time to do that but i've been browsing around....ya....... And seriously i havent found any phone that i find to be calling out to me.
Maybe i'm just too picky but the designs these days are just bluehhh. I'd like something that spells EXECUTIVE and ELEGANCE......
The new nokia 8800 looks pretty nice although i'd prefer it to be less rounded. And the price tag is a tad too high. My budget is below 2K. Guys, can you recommend me something?? Oh and anyone selling cellphones can drop me an email me if you can give me a great discount!! haha...I'd advertise for you in my blog!! teehee......

nokia 8800

I kinda like the Motorola RAZR v3 limited edition in black.

I dont know if i have the time this comming Saturday, i'd probably drop by Sungai Wang to take a look.
Signing Off,
Nokia? Motorola? Samsung? .......gosh.....so many choices i can't decide.
I've been meaning to get my fiance a new cellphone. He's been using my old nokia8250 that got flipped out of my handbag and flew a mile away when i was once a snatch thief victim. Oh ya!! Havent told the story about me being a snatch theif victim before havent i? Its a pretty interesting story.....Lets keep it for next time ok cos its worth a whole entry by itself.
Anyhow,comming back to the cellphone. Fiance's been using the old one for quite sometime now and i think its about time i get him a new one. And hopefully a kick-@ss Stylo-Mylo one at that. Given his position, i figured he needed something up to the standard eventhough he still don't mind using any phone for that matter. I figured that for my birthday, i'm getting a cellphone for my fiance. I think it'll be great! I dont know but i totally get a kick out of giving out presents much more than receiving. Can't help it but i'm such a total giver.
I've been scouting around. Errr....okay havent time to do that but i've been browsing around....ya....... And seriously i havent found any phone that i find to be calling out to me.
Maybe i'm just too picky but the designs these days are just bluehhh. I'd like something that spells EXECUTIVE and ELEGANCE......
The new nokia 8800 looks pretty nice although i'd prefer it to be less rounded. And the price tag is a tad too high. My budget is below 2K. Guys, can you recommend me something?? Oh and anyone selling cellphones can drop me an email me if you can give me a great discount!! haha...I'd advertise for you in my blog!! teehee......

nokia 8800

I kinda like the Motorola RAZR v3 limited edition in black.

I dont know if i have the time this comming Saturday, i'd probably drop by Sungai Wang to take a look.
Signing Off,
I like flip phones..hahaha
I think you should get a durable one for guys. my guy throws his phone at the wall when he's pissed. LOL.. so his nokia is that durable one..forgot the number.
get the RAZR...still very sexy, not kiddy-ish, stylo-milo some more!
The RAZR is probably one of the worst hp I've even seen. O2 mini is a good deal.
Some of the Samsung slide phones are quite sexy too, like this one. But for me, I'm a flip-action phone girl. :)
nokia, coz i'm used to the interface.
flip, if you sakit hati the screen get scratched.
cheap, coz i'm broke...
I dislike flip/cover phone. If want to choose from the three, I will get N90. :)
flip phone cepat rosak wo. my friend had one last time (motorola timeport or something... long time ago, this was), & the 2 halves are actually connected via some flimsy wires.
one fine day (right after the one-year warranty ended) his phone suddenly no display. we brought it to the phone repair shop, the guy asked for RM700 to get it fixed!!! (& the phone had only cost RM890). really con case.
so my friend decided not to fix it & bought a nokia 3310 instead. he's still using it till this very day & no problem.
to me flip phones are pretty, but they don't last if you're the kind that makes lots of calls.. :)
great to see u back^^........motorola e398 is good?hmm....i dont know much about hp...i am using Nokia 3315 anyway...it's durable,colourless and with buttons designed for pressing comfort,ie.big enough...:D
To get phone for guys, you must make sure :
1) The new phone's functions are almost as similar as his old one. They dun like complicated function phones.
2) Make sure it is easy for them to send smses. As in, make sure you only need to go through not more than 3 steps to send a msg after typing them because they love to multitask while driving (nanti accident baru tau)
3) Dun get them flips because they're not gentle people. They flip the phone up so hard that their flips get loose after 6 months.
There you have it. Ahahahha. And dun get them tiny phones with tiny keypads.
I more interested on your snatch thief story than the handphone :P.
hey guys thanks for all your opinion.
I think i really like to 8800 but its about 4k!!! gaspp..... no marnee... :(
Hmm.....in conclusion, most gals like flip phones but not guys....cos its too flimsy for them to handle.
from a guy's perspective, I think that the Moto V3 would be a good choice, but go for the silver one... the black one doesn't appeal much...
should your guy loves taking photos, and prefers handy + small cameras... the Sony.E 750i is is a good choice...
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