

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Going over the yonder...............

1 month from today i will officially cross over to being in the "late twenties" category.

Hate it.

Nowonder the talk about getting old. Its the biological clock sounding the alarm thingy.

I didn't see this coming along.
Im getting very sentimental about turning 26.


*fashionasia checks the mirror for wrinkles........NEGATIVE......
*fashionasia checks hair for white strands..........NEGATIVE.....

*fashionasia checks for cellulite............AFFIRMATI

3 comments: said...

Did you hear that once over 25 yrs old, the years seem to fly (and I don't mean it in a fun way) and eek, it is 30 then 35 then 40 like me! Arrgghhh.... LOL.

Darren said...

Dun worry.. you're taken

Fashionasia said...

thanks guys.....
Well as of now im trying to think positive.

I'm thinking.....
demure....elegant...mature....somewhere along the lines...

nomore "cute"..."adorable"...comming my way...boohoo