Yay! for loosing 13kgs out of 18kgs gained during pregnancy in just 2 months (ok...that includes the weight of the baby n the water n placenta all that la....but still!!!)
Thats quite an achievement seeing that i wasn't even trying to loose weight..... Jaga baby alotta work itellyou!!!
Nay for being shoe-less. Yup....i've been wearing only 1(ONE) pair of shoes since i got pregnant until today.....Can't believe i could do that. I think my foot expanded and all my dozens of shoes in the shoe cabinet can't seem to fit me anymore. Bummer. I need new shoes. First time in my life this is more of a "need" versus "want" thing.....I wonder what kinda shoes is comfortable yet stylish....scholls? clarks?
hey!! that's definitely a HUGE achievement - you must've really been rushing around to lose that much so fast...*awe*
as for shoes...as long as it's not *ugh* Crocs, I don't have much input..LOL...what about Ipanemas/ Hush Puppies?
hi FA,
Am a regular follower of your blog. Just want to congratulate you on your baby princess. Just read abt your post-natal depression post. So glad you had good family support, really important. Yea, esp with firstborn, the floppy belly, extra kgs, crying baby etc. With breastfeeding the final few kgs will just melt in no time without additional effort other that taking care of baby...he he. I found that Crocodile shoes are comfy for me, esp when i still want heels which are comfy and stable while carrying baby. :)
hey i heard breastfeeding will lose weigh fast. and the painful process of taking care of baby and feeding them in the midnite is also a good way to lose weight.
hmmmmmm i 2nd bee, HP seems like a better choice than clarks or scholls.
bee: haha...i hate crocs too!! but recently 1 or 2 of the designs are surprisingly quite nice leh...
ming: hi!! thanks for all the encouragement. My mother likes crocodile shoes too cos its cheap n comfy...
pb: Clarks is very expensive and not so good looking..kinda bleh...but quite comfy. I love scholls...i have quite a number of them bcos they r the most comfortable shoes i find. HP is ok but some of the shoes are expensive but NOT comfy at all....
sigh....i still havent found THE shoe yet.
wow, that is a BIG achievement! I wonder if I could lose that much this time around! But I am sure not as much as YOU did!!
I noticed my feet grow too after my 1st baby. I have a fren who actually grow TALLER. hahaha!! Good luck in search for your new shoes!!
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