Mascara is getting extremely popular especially among the asians lately. Naturally asians have shorter and sparse lashes and often wish that we have longer lashes so that we'd look cuter when we flicker our eyes. hehe...
Some people even goes to the extend of putting on fake lashes for beauty sake.
Personally I've never like mascara because it is very difficult to put on, waste too much time and gets clumpy and ruins other parts of the face make-up easily if you don't have steady hands. Ladies you DO know what I mean right?
That is the reason I hardly put on mascara's for work as it is too time consuming. However lately I've learned to do it better and my hands are more sturdy so sometimes I do get to put on my mascara before zipping off to work (on days when I have that little spare time by waking up a bit earlier). Really when you curl your lashes and put on a coat of mascara, it can make your whole face look different and brighten up.
The Dejavu Fiberwig is my new collection of mascara. It is japan's no.1 selling mascara at the moment and have just made its way to Malaysia. Sasa is the only exclusive retailer selling them at the moment. Knowing that it is japan's no.1 selling mascara, I was really curious to know what's so good about it?!!
According to the salesgirl, the Dejavu Fiberwig contains more fibre that helps the lashes to have the curl effects and increase in volume. If applied multi-coat, it will have the effect as of those fake lashes. Long, seperated, curled up nicely. No clumps so she promised. Also, I was told that it is much easier to wash off.
There were 2 colors to choose from. Pure Black and Brown.
I bought the pure black. So far i've used it once and hmmm......its nice and yes true to what it says, it is not clumpy. As i've only used it once i do not have much to say as yet but i think i like it already. I'm gonna try for multi-coat tomorrow and we'll see if my lashes suddenly lenghten and curls up like dolls or not. :)
According to the sales girl, you should put on 1 layer and let it dry for about 10 seconds and top with another layer.
Will keep you guys updated on how I like it and probably will compare to some other mascaras that I have.
had a few disastrous attempts with the mascara and had thrown them all away.
btw, can you please recommend a good liquid eyeliner?
a thousand thanks. ;)
I'm glad mascara works for you. For me, there's no difference even though I don't have long lush lashes lol... Now I devote attention to liner to create the illusion of larger eyes :)
how much did you get it for?
I never never never leave home without mascara on. But then I dun have short lashes so sometimes I just curl it and i'm good to go. It takes less than one minute? I must be good leh..nyeh nyeh nyeh....
I used to use the L'oreal and Maybeline ones and then I splurged on a Lancome because I wanted to see the difference lah..like why the heck is some so much more expensive than the others. Now I know why. It's really that different and better.
I think for lashes to look nice, you need a good curler too. If you don't curl your lashes, putting on mascara alone might not give you the best effect.
thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely give this a try.
Most of the mascara I use gives me 'raccoon' eyes at the end of the day :(
Yup, me never leave home without mascara too.
I've tried many brands but am currently loving Maybelline XXL Volume and Strength mascara.
Funny that although it's Maybelline but the XXL one is really good. 2 ends - roll on first with the 'white' side and apply the 'black' side on the other end of the stick.
Long and curly and most importantly thick eyelashes in less than 1 min :)
I've tried a particular mascara range from Revlon before. Quite sucky la. Didn't get the effect that I wanted. Threw it away after 2 applications :D
So Maybelline XXL Mascara rawks! And it's unbelievably cheap too.
LANCOME mascara ROCKS!!!! it definately waterproof, and extra curve for my lashes...
do keep us update bout this dejavu mascara...sounds promising.
And yes, forgot the mention that an eyelash-curler can do wonders!
Especially if u heat the curler up for 5 sec under the heat of a hair-dryer, and then curl for maximum effect.
It's just like perming ur hair. Needs heat also what :P
i've tried fiberwig, but it didn't work very well for me. try fasio's curl+volume mascara. i think that one is better, but clumpier.
nyonyapenang: actually i did the liquid liner post already laaa...hehe..Okie...next post....just for you lahh
tuk: i've always thought so too....untill i learn to curl em and ...WOW...seriously...so much difference with n without..
anon: in Malaysia sasa retails for RM49 ( USD1 = RM3.8)
skay: totally agree!! Must curl BEFORE the mascara..if not it's useless...
paupau: If u want to try I will recommend 3 type....er...wait for my next next post to know which one suits your need.
angie: YES!!! Maybelline XXL to me is STILL THE BEST!!!
missy.j: Oh my make-up artist for my wedding studio pics uses the Fasio! the orange one rite? I suppose it MUST BE GOOD!! bcos she is totally ichi-ban....very satisfied with her work i must say...gonna try that one next....
Cool post! Also, check out this expert advise on the best mascara. Mascara recommendations from the real pros!
Hi! As a cosmetics lover, I’ve enjoyed reading all of your cosmetic reviews and discussions. I am especially interested in the rave reviews that Imju Fiberwig Mascara has been receiving. I am an associate at Market Reader Pro, a market research company currently working with Fiberwig to test the success of their mascara. If you are interested, we currently are running a short survey on Fiberwig mascara, and are looking for users to provide us with their thoughts on the advertising techniques that Fiberwig has been using. We are randomly distributing cosmetics samples to select survey participants.
The survey is very short, and only takes about 10 minutes of your time. If you are interested, you can take the survey here: http://poll.marketreaderpro.com/?p=312&r=350&L=710 and, please feel free to pass along to your fellow cosmetics-loving friends!
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